I had a chat with my father on the eve of departing to the UK with a fine scholarship tucked under my belt – not having a lot of financial cares to burden my family. And as we were reflecting on God’s goodness, thoughts about others less fortunate came crowding into my mind and the sobering reality that for one who has received so much, there are many others who are not given such an opportunity.

What with personal expectations of people nowadays driven sky-high by the too idealistic and illusory dream that success – material success awaits anyone who simply need to_desire_it enough, disappointment at not getting what we wished or aimed for can be devastating.

Perhaps it is easy for me to write about this. Indeed, perhaps I have not gone through those heart or spirit-breaking disappointments that render one incapable of caring about anything or anyone anymore.

Yet I have realised that we as human beings have no right to expect that things will turn out good for us. Us – rebels against the rightful Ruler of the universe, puny mortals establishing autonomy from the Eternal One. It is our doom to be overthrown by Him – to suffer, die and be eternally separated from all that is good.

But the greatest good was given to the worst of creation – forgiveness and acceptance for the wretch through the suffering and death of Jesus - God’s own Son. 

So now our expectations are transformed – the focal point of our lives is shifted back to God. We should not expect what the world tells us to expect. Not material success, not popularity, not the best grades, not the best university.

The humbling lesson of remembering my inadequacies and disqualifications despite all the good I have received is the pin that pricks that selfish bubble and allows me to see things from an eternal perspective.

This life is not about my expectations and dreams and whether I fulfil them, it is about surrendering all the rights of my life to Him whom they rightfully belong.